For Patients
How does the ReBuilder help?
The ReBuilder is simple to use at home, with electrode pads placed on the affected body parts or through specialized conductive garments like socks or gloves.
Patients can adjust the power output for comfort and effectiveness, making it a convenient and accessible treatment option for managing neuropathy and chronic pain symptoms in a home setting.
Improved Circulation
Increase Blood Flow Results
Patient B: Mr. J.M.
"My feet were not only painful but also swollen. It was unbelievable. I couldn't even walk right. Now my feet are almost normal. Before I couldn't even put slippers on, now I can walk and put shoes on. It's almost a miracle the way it works. I hope it doesn't stop working. I don't wake up crying every morning now (41 years old). I use it two times a day and have cut the drugs down considerably."
Customer Testimonials with the ReBuilder
(48 seconds long)
"The ReBuilder actually works... I have no more pain in my left foot."
Rick from TN after using the ReBuilder for one week.
(1 minute 55 seconds long)
"As I stood up, I felt something that I would have never felt before, the cracks in the floor. I can feel with the bottom of my feet the cracks on the floor. I don't think I have felt that much on the bottom of my feet for 30 years."
Ken from TN afer his first treatment.