Customer Testimonials

After 3 weeks, foot pain was gone using the ReBuilder®!

After eliminating his pain in his feet, John used the ReBuilder Knee Straps to treat his knees and after 3 weeks, his pain is gone! Now John uses the ReBuilder when he feels the slightest ache come on.


(2 minutes 48 seconds long)

(49 seconds long)

MIRACLE review with the ReBuilder®!

"A friend told me about this, so I got it, and it's the biggest miracle I've experienced. I have feeling back in my toes, I don't have that stabbing pain. It's amazing!"

Mrs. Lacasse from California.

Walking again after using the ReBuilder® within 2 weeks!

"Within two weeks of it arriving my father was using it daily, and he was up and walking...not just walking but pacing around... It really has been an absolute life-changer and a miracle for my father."

Roy Tucker from the UK with his father's ReBuilder experience.

(2 minutes 41 seconds long)

(2 minutes 10 seconds long)

The ReBuilder® has changed her life!

"I had never used electricity to solve anything in my life, but I was willing to give this one a try... It changed my life for the better and I hope it will do the same for you."

Gail from CA has used the ReBuilder for years..

Amazing review using the ReBuilder® after one week!

"The ReBuilder actually works... I have no more pain in my left foot." Rick from TN after using the ReBuilder for one week.

(48 seconds long)

(1 minute 55 seconds long)

The ReBuilder® restored feeling to the bottom of the feet!

"As I stood up, I felt something that I would have never felt before, the cracks in the floor. I can feel with the bottom of my feet the cracks on the floor. I don't think I have felt that much on the bottom of my feet for 30 years."

Ken from TN afer his first treatment.