ReBuilder® Newsletter With Dr. David Phillips, MD, Ph.D.

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ReBuilder Treatment Showcased on CBS. How you can benefit too..

February 10, 20212 min read

ReBuilder Treatment Showcased on CBS
How you can benefit too..

In health news: Now, if you suffer from neuropathy, you probably think there's no way to treat the chronic pain. But a new device on the market is giving many sufferers circulation on in their hands and their feet. This is the ReBuilder.

It's like going to a dentist to get anesthesia and your mouth get numb. That's how my feet feels a pain.

67-year-old Ruth Abdullah is forced to stomach every day. I couldn't run. I love jogging and I had to give that up because sometimes my leg would just give out.

Ruth does everything she can to control her diabetes, but in the last year, she's developed diabetic

neuropathy is caused by lack of circulation. So unless you can do something to cause or something to solve the circulation problem, the neuropathy will continue.

And for Ruth, the answer came from Dr. John Krause's newest device. The ReBuilder.

It sends signals up through the limbs through the lower spine back down to the other limb, essentially pushing the nerve cells back together that the neuropathy moved apart. It feels just like a massage.

While there are drugs in the market to treat the symptoms of neuropathy, Dr. Kraus says this three time a week, therapy gets more to the root of the problem. In combination with having feeling back in the lower limbs. They also have the strength to be able to use those limbs.

I didn't thought there was any treatment for it until I came to Dr. Krause. He said, wow, I can get those feet back to working again for you.

Since Ruth started rebuilding at Tree of Life Chiropractic three weeks ago, she's been able to start doing the things for diabetic neuropathy, put a halt on, I put my feet on the floor. I could feel again, and I want to be whole. I want to feel whole. I don't want to walk around the rest of my life. And after a little while, I won't have any kind of feeling at all. In Lexington, Jennifer, MK News, 19 WLTX.

Dr. Kraus also said patients should see marked improvement in circulation as little as three weeks.

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